Originally Posted By: K-nutreturns
 Originally Posted By: Halo82
 Originally Posted By: K-nutreturns
 Originally Posted By: Captain Zzap
Tell me of one single thing that any body can do that's lower or more reprehensible than using a 12 week old baby girl to post fecal matter about her father.

how about it happening in, oh idunno, REAL LIFE. or how about any actual crime that happens to someone in the real world in that case...

This is why you're an idiot. You need consequences to define reality. The only diffrence between the typed word and the spoken word is that you wouldn't have the balls to say it "in real life".

no the difference is that while millions of people in the real world are being murdered, raped and gob knows what else (including being forced to read robs blog) you guys are bitching about something that someone said over the internet. someone that said it just to get a shock out of you. this is why your the idiot.

And you are bitching about us bitching about it so it must be more real than you claim. If somebody said that in person it's fine to get upset but saying it over the internet is okay?

Listen moron, we can multi-task and be concerned about all that other stuff while fucking with you retards.