Originally Posted By: Captain Zzap
 Originally Posted By: Poncharillo
Rex can be very amusing if you convince yourself that he does not actually exist!

Dude, I used to be a copywriter and author. My words and concepts have been seen, read and heard by literally millions of people.

I've sold scripts to television and movie producers.

And with all that, I don't think I have a chance of convincing myself that human shit stain doesn't really exist.

Tell me of one single thing that any body can do that's lower or more reprehensible than using a 12 week old baby girl to post fecal matter about her father.

I defy you.

Rex is nothing and less than nothing.

On top of it, he is so fucking predictable that when he does decide to show his fat, ugly, acne scarred face here again you can bet that all he'll talk about is how obsessed I am with him because of all the posts I've made.

Well you know what? I don't care. Because I'm not leaving until that thing apologizes or leaves. I will follow him wherever he goes in these forums and attack him.


You didn't write Mansquito did you?