wow, here's a shocker.
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Howard Dean

"Senator McCain should understand that after seven years of a President who has divided Americans and pursued a scorched earth policy full of misleading propaganda campaigns, we need a leader who understands he is the President for all Americans not just his supporters."

This is incredibly ironic, coming from Howard Dean of all people. Whose own rhetoric is among the most scorched-earth that I've heard.

wondy, bypasses the charges against a republican by blaming the democratic accuser. must be one of the days of the week tha ends with a Y. Also ironically I do believe that it's the very definition of ad hominem. Anyone want to bet that he'll turn around and attack me ("that's ironic coming from you" or "you're the worst offender of all") and avoid the actual point which is John Mccain and not Howard Dean or Ray Adler.

And who said plainly that he hates Republicans.

fine. and Howard Dean isn't running for President. this is about John Mccain.

And who alleged Bush knew in advance about 9-11, and let it happen.

so? that theory is held by more people than just a slight minority. I'm not saying it's true or false, but it is an opinion that is held by some very respectable people. and again, Howard Dean isn't running for President. The issue has nothing to do with Dean at all. Do you really think so little of John Mccain that you think he needs to be shielded like this, that he needs to be carefully protected by blindly blaming everying on the nearest liberal? What next are you going to just bypass the current President to blame any problems here on someone who left power over 6 years ago? Are you going to belittle the intellect of your own party by turning them into a bunch of reactionary juveniles who can not be held to task for their own actions because they can't control themselves and are simply acting out in response to some hurt feelings from the 90's?

Seven years of Bush-style rhetoric is largely in response to seven years of lying partisan Democrat slander and cheap stunts, of which Dean is among the worst offenders.

Bow ties are coool.