Originally Posted By: Rob Kamphausen
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
And I didn't insult your fiance. Not even remotely. I'm seriously saying you are pretty fucked up if you can't see that claiming someone beats their child is worse that calling someone a mother fucker.

my fiance, nowie's mom, llance's grandson... whatever! whether its you or someone else from your "hive" (is it ok if i use that phrase, too?) one of your communities general comments was that those outside of the forum should not be mentioned.

personally, i don't give a fuck what you say. you can throw your typos all over my ancestors or generations of my future descendants, and i'd shrug it off with glee. the argument here is that its something you took such huge offense to, but then repeated the actions, yourself. that is where the label of "hypocrite" gets lustfully stamped upon you.

But it isn't something I took issue over. Your foundation for this argument is based on nonsensical absolutism that there is no difference between a child abuser and a mother fucker.

And no, the last thing you can call the Insurgency is a Hive. None of us have jumped on a band wagon of fucking with somebody cause it's "cool".