Originally Posted By: Captain Zzap
 Originally Posted By: Rob Kamphausen
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: Rob Kamphausen
wow, wank and cry mentions a poster's family members? thats crazy!

you should read this: http://www.rkmbs.com/ubbthreads.php/ubb/showflat/Number/967454/fpart/1

you'll find it helpful!

I'm shocked? I mentioned a family...oh wait, we never had a problem fucking with members...just kids. Nice try douchebag.

hahahah posting about another posters family member? way to sell out your morals, wank and cry!

im sure zap would be pleased with your actions.

Ahhhhh. I think I see the disconnect here. I really should pay more attention to this thing.

See, what we objected to PRIMARILY was using whomod's daughter as an alt because 12 week old children can't defend themselves and picking on the innocent is a shitty thing to do in any instance

Then, SECONDARILY, the fact that it was a family member of whomod's that was being used.

Our THIRD objection was that whomod, one of our own, was being attacked. Not that he asked for the help, but again, we thought it was the right thing to do given the overall big picture.

Additionally, you RKMBers have to realize that the rules that apply at the Insurgency (i.e. family members are off limits, no hate posts, etc.) don't necessarily carry over to here. As I've mentioned before the Insurgency is run more like a democracy than anything else and while I can't link to the specific post (cause I don't know where the hell it is) where we discussed whether or not family members were off limits, there was one; or it was a poll, or the Admins and Mods got together and discussed it amongst themselves eventually issuing a proclamation from on high.

Also, just because my sensibilities are severly tweaked over the use of whomod's daughter, doesn't mean that Halo's or anyone else from my Insurgents feel the same way. The fact that they don't use such fodder on the I Boards is out of mutual respect for each other and the fact that the board, as a whole, decided that it was a ban worthy offense. I can't speak for anyone else here, but I'm here because I am a father of two and I know how I'd feel if some asshole on the internet attacked them when they were defenseless. So as not to garner hoots and calls of hypocrisy, in my Salutations thread, Uschi makes mention of fucking my son in the ass. This doesn't offend me as such, because even at the age of 10, my son is more than able to defend himself and, between the sense of humor he inherited from his mother, (a former stand-up comedienne and latina to boot), and I, my son's wit is drier than the best martini ever served and his sarcasm is pointed enough to penetrate an adamantium balloon. One of my proudest moments as a father was when, at the age of just two years old, my son pointed at my shirt and when I looked down, he ran his finger up and tweaked my nose. He was so advanced that at the age of 30 months he was doing "shave and a haircut" all by himself.

But I digress.

The mistake here is that you RKMBers are applying my personal morality and the morality foisted on Halo, Rellik, et al. by virtue of their posting at the Insurgency and following the rules that go with it.

My Insurgenst know how I feel about attacking a person's family members. If they choose to do it here, it's beyond my control or desire to squelch. It's nothing we discussed prior to our visiting here, it's just something I assumed was understood. I would be a fool to try and hamstring them that way; being outnumbered and on foreign turf is tough enough. Taking away one of their potentially more powerful tools would have been suicide.

Finally, as Rob is aware, when I learned that SOMEone made vulgar posts about Llance's unborn grandchild, I PMd him, apologized on behalf of the Insurgency, told him that if I could confirm it was one of my guys I would strongly encourage him/her to apologize as well. Additionally, I gave Llance my e-mail address and asked him to let me know when his grandchild is born so I could say a prayer for the baby's health and well-being at my Temple.


Well Rob, that's Zzap's opinion like you wanted. Big surprise, he gets it and you don't.