Originally Posted By: Rob Kamphausen
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
Well Rob, that's Zzap's opinion like you wanted. Big surprise, he gets it and you don't.

try to communicate with me here, w&c. the opinion that i was asking for was what zap thought of your actions. this is noted in my post here:

 Originally Posted By: Rob Kamphausen
why don't you ask zap what he thinks of your actions?

zap's reply to the question i posed is exactly as i suspected:

 Originally Posted By: Captain Zzap
family members are off limits {SNIP} we discussed whether or not family members were off limits, there was one; or it was a poll, or the Admins and Mods got together and discussed it amongst themselves eventually issuing a proclamation from on high.

zap feels that family members are off limits, again as i suspected. its something he believes in. thus its a rule he enforces on the insurgency boards.

my question was not whether or not he permitted you to do so here -- i was just looking for clarification on what he thought of the actions of discussing family members.

 Originally Posted By: Captain Zzap
My Insurgenst know how I feel about attacking a person's family members.

while he goes on to say that he can't stop you here, his statements lead me and other communicators to believe he frowns upon your actions. not just because, as i believe, you are filled with dumb, but because you're hitting an action that you, as an insurgent, formerly declared you would not, something your respective leader (mob master?) has repeatedly expressed disgust with, even responding with such at your request.

this, again, is the illustration of how you've fallen.

Perhaps he frowns on my actions...but does he consider taking a pot shot at a real baby and calling a man a child beater the same thing as calling someone a mother fucker? Does he lump all possible comments into the same catagory of bad?

Let's ask that more specific quesion.

Last edited by Wank and Cry; 2008-06-14 5:33 AM.