Originally Posted By: Rob Kamphausen
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
Perhaps he frowns on my actions

that seems like a forgone conclusion.

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
Does he lump all possible comments into the same catagory of bad?

thats not what i was looking for.

and, honestly, if the conversation is drifting into the "which is worse, if i yell at your dad or yell at your son" realm, i dub it ridiculous.

It was ridiculous from the beginning. The question is am I a hypocrite cause there's no difference between using children against parents and other family members against somebody. To me, using a persons kids against someone is diffrent than the rest of the family. Not an age thing so much as a emotional connection thing. You don't seem to comprehend that or...you do, but are desperate to try and malign our reasons for being here.