Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: Rob Kamphausen
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
See the Insurgents as a whole never said anything about family.

zap very clearly stated otherwise. at your request, no less.

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
And as Mxy said, it's completely subjective what value people put on there family members.

which, as you agree to that, would mean that every single one of my examples stands correct.

No, he didn't say that. What he said is we don't say that at the Insurgency but it doesn't apply here.

Right. If we were to come here for a visit and there were rules about what could and couldn't be said, and we broke those rules, I'd expect us to get banned. But, since were going from a board that has a "no family" rule to one that doesn't, I don't see the moral ambiguity about Halo using family members if you guys do and if your board chooses to permit it.

I personally have no idea what he was talking about with that post/poll about not using family members.

My point was that no one, not even Iggy, unilaterally decided that we couldn't make posts disparaging family members. At some point there was a discussion or a poll put up or SOMETHING along those lines that indicated a majority of the Insurgents felt that attacking family members was something we didn't want to allow.

And no, your examples are not correct because you are trying to use MY sensibilities against me. You are trying to call me a hypocrite for going against what you say I said. So it doesn't matter what you value. Matters what I do.

IMHO each person determines what he or she is comfortable with in terms of almost every aspect of life, sex, religion and morality. For me, personally, I think the lowest thing a person can do is attack an innocent child. My ex was a teacher at a middle school in a poor neighborhood. She's latina (Cuban) and has an A level fluency in Spanish so she was assigned to a heavily latino middle school. I'm not being a racist or promulgating stereotypes, but some of the stories she told me of her students home lives were...disturbing to say the least. I think the tipping point for me was when she told me about an alcoholic father who slaughtered a horse his kids loved and made them bathe in the animals blood because they misbehaved. That kind of shit is subhuman. I'm not comparing what rex did to that sad fuck, what I'm saying is that I have a particular sensitivity to abuses of children and innocents. I donate a lot of time, money and resources to my Temple's ECEC (early childhood education center) and firmly believe that if adults don't start owning up to their responsibilites as parents this world is fucked.

Halo, on the other hand, is free to determine, examine and refine his own moral code and then live by his decisions.

In simpler words, don't project my morality and motivations onto Halo.

I hope I clarified that because I'm going to bed now.


Rex 5/24/08 "You know how you say Zzap! at the end of every post? Thats hella cool. I'm gonna start doing it."

Wonder Boy the racist pedophile - 5/24/08 - "I wish someone would embed that cute little African AMERICAN mouthing your COCK."

Rex's sexual confusion - May 25, 2008 - "I am a woman. and no, I will not show you any pictures."

First Among Daves homo obsession with my hands - May 25, 2008 - "I'm guessing the rest of the fingernails on your soft and supple hands are long. Big palms, soft skin with no callouses. Perhaps you moisturise so the flesh on your hands stays a little wet."