Originally Posted By: Nowhereman
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: Nowhereman
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
Wait, so now you're saying that it's NOT something subjective? That ALL father-son relationships are deeper then son-mother ones? That's simply not true. As I explained before, that depends on the individual; NOT on what YOU think he feels, but on what the actual person feels. In this case that's Nowhereman, and as some of us know, his emotional connection to his mother is very deep. Who are you to say that whomod's connection to his daughter is deeper than that?

Actually, you said it was subjective first.

It is subjective, to me. That's how I feel. I think people are more likely to have stronger feelings about their kids and science backs me up. Is it possible somebody doesn't feel that way? Sure, but I think more the exception than the rule.

Who am I? I'm the guy who knows Whomod to be a good and Nowhereman to be an asshole. That's my opinion anyhow. And who the fuck are you to tell me whether or not I should think that?

Look, you wanna call me a jerk for what I said? Fine, go ahead. But hypocricy is out of the question cause I didn't come here because somebody made fun of Whomods family but because they took a very personal shot at Whomods daughter. If they had made a WHomod's mom alt or Whomod's sister alt it wouldn't have been a big deal to me cause it's commonplace to take a shot at them in my mind. Just like with you guys it's commonplace to sit around on the internet laughing at your super secret inside jokes.

Anyway, that's the best I can explain without this becoming a circular argument. I'm sure you can't/won't think outside of something black and white compartmentalization of right and wrong but "I don't give a fuck".

Frankly, the lengths you guys went to try and prove me a hypocrite is sad. Marginalizing child abuse

Yeah I know, you don't think you did that, but you did.

Funny thing is I didn't really insult Nowie's mom so much as I called him a pervert.

Science backs you up that people have a connection to children and not to parents?

Another point is, I am not the one taking shots at Whomods daughter, yet you think taking shots at my mother is fine?

And if you are saying that you are not insulting my mother, then saying Whomod beats his daughter is not insulting his daughter, by your logic.

Just admit you are a hypocritical little twat, and be on your merry way.

No, you myopic shit, I'm saying that people have a diffrent relationship with their children with mothers and sisters than they do their children. I'm saying children are a completely diffrent subject.

I didn't come here to defend somebodies sister/mom. You wanna fallaciously lump them all together just to negate my points...but you can't.

Its called the family unit you stupid retard, not the family unit and children who are far more important.

That's what you call it, turd. I say it's you being an idiot, jackass