Originally Posted By: Mochahontas

1. It is VERY rare that relatives close enough in blood to be considering being incestuous do not have some resemblance to each other.

2. I know that because your cousin doesn't look like your twin, you have no problem molesting the poor boy/girl.

3. I'm still not seeing what him having a "white trash daddy" has to do with him possibly being related to me? Are we speaking from personal experience again here, darling? Tisk Tisk.

4. Give up while you can. Seriously. Its kind of sad.

1. Well I'll be. I guess that means the mailman, the dentist and the bum on the corner are all related to me because we share similar physical features.

2.Appearance has nothing to do with it, you see, in recent scientific journals, it has been stated that first cousin incest as well as sibling/parent/aunt+uncle incest makes special babies. I won't have sex with them because special babies cry a lot.

3. Lets say, your mother is Janet the whore. She's a mulatto [half-white/half-black] She likes her some white trash lovin' and then 9 months later she goes to the bathroom to poop and out pops Sammitch [75% white] Then a few weeks later, see's hankerin for some chocolate rain! 9 months later, you drop into the toilet ["NOT AGAIN!"]. So we have a 25% similarity, but you still have the same mother, no?

4. Clever.