Originally Posted By: Yellow Blossum
 Originally Posted By: iggy
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: iggy
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
ssteve! - the wwizard! behind the curtain; so much hype, so much noise... disappointing.

syd/yellow blossum - dorothy; the only chick, looking for a way out (even though she probably won't admit it to herself)

whomod - the scarecrow; no brains, none of his own at least

killer spelled backwards - no heart; he's so X-TREME! and then he runs away offline!

wankie82 - the cowardly liar, natch!

Regulated to being one of the many nameless midgets, damn. \:\(

you can be the doorman at the emerald city if you wanna.

He isn't a midget is he?

No and he has the sweetest stache in the whole movie.

Count me in then. Do I get to kick the creepy little midgets? I should be allowed to considering how they are really short, creepy looking bastards and, therefore, deserve it. "Stay out of the Wizard's palace, creeps."