Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
 Originally Posted By: Yellow Blossum
Would you like to hear why?

Oh right, I see you didn't post that part. It's not easy to make your point that way is it?

I felt like Iggy was trying to gain your approval by taking shots at Halo, which is just a shitty thing to do in general. Backstab your current friends to make new ones.

This was evident in the way he posted the pony/daddy thread over here and not on our boards. If it was just good natured jesting per usual he would have posted it at Insurgency.

That's why I take issue with it. Sorry, hun. Wrong again. But I think you already knew that. You did read the thread after all.

look girl/guy, you just admitted it, you felt that if he posted something here he was trying to gain approval with the "other gang" and he was ashamed of "your gang" when clearly he was taking a shot at halo, but you dont like that because he is "your gang", look we dont take shots at halo because of where he is from, we never heard of you guys, halo is an idiot, he's an easy target.

prometheus has post there for awhile apparently, jaburg has too, no one gives a shit, these boards arent sacred, either you can take the heat and laugh or you cant, it's not that complicated. dont shit on iggy becasue he can.....

First off, thank you for actually engaging me.

Second, nobody cares if he's friends with you. Even I just come here to hang out sometimes. That's not the point.

The point is we're Iggy's friends. He shat on his friends to make new ones. That's just a shitty thing to do. If Halo was his friend from another board and in no way affiliated with the Insurgency it would still be a shitty thing to do. What board or "gang" he comes from has very little to do with it. And Iggy did this not with Halo, but with Zzap and a few others, hence my usage of the word "us." It's not about jets vs. sharks, it's about him shitting on his friends to gain approval from new ones, which I didn't like. I'm not sure what Halo is on about, but that's what pissed me off.