Well, I see who your man-crush is on.

THE Baker is legendary. Epic, even. There is no comparison. And Tennant is far too frantic all the time for me to be able to really take his Doctor that seriously. He's playing a hodge-podge caricature of many previous incarnations, whereas Eccles created something wholly original with the part. And you can't judge a performance by length of stay. Christopher Eccleston had the struggle of re-introducing this bizarre, eccentric character to the entirely new audience of the twenty-first century, make it work, and make it the number one television show of the year. Yes, Tennant had to run with the ball...but, Chris created the ball. He's the one that put asses in the seats. He's the one that built the core audience. And he did all of that in a single season. That's fucking impressive. Heathen.