Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Well, I see who your man-crush is on.

i was looking for a funny one and then google showed me these 4 and i just couldn't post only one.
your Eccleston pictures, however, aren't funny. In fact they seem a bit gay.

THE Baker is legendary. Epic, even. There is no comparison.

I'm just not really a fan of Colin Baker's work on the show and have to disagree with you.
And Tennant is far too frantic all the time for me to be able to really take his Doctor that seriously.

I think Tennant's performance is very layered. He always carries a certain sadness under the surface of his performance. I think his being frantic is him throwing himself into the exploration and the mystery, distracting himself from the lonliness and guilt he feels.

He's playing a hodge-podge caricature of many previous incarnations, whereas Eccles created something wholly original with the part.

but shouldn't the Doctor have parts of past incarnations? The whole point of regeneration isn't starting over from scratch. Tennant may have attributes of past Doctors but he is also still very unique.

And you can't judge a performance by length of stay. Christopher Eccleston had the struggle of re-introducing this bizarre, eccentric character to the entirely new audience of the twenty-first century, make it work, and make it the number one television show of the year.

No. He took an acting job that he thought would be interesting and then left the show before the first episode premiered. I'm not saying he didn't do a good job, I like his episodes, he's the first Doctor I really watched (not counting the 1996 movie). And you can judge quality based on quantity. It's easier to do quality in 13 episodes than it is to maintain quality for the 40 or so that Tennant has done.

Yes, Tennant had to run with the ball...but, Chris created the ball. He's the one that put asses in the seats. He's the one that built the core audience. And he did all of that in a single season. That's fucking impressive. Heathen.

Technically Davies "created" the ball. Just to be fair he ran the show and shaped what it is for better or worse. And I do like Eccleston, again he is the first Doctor I saw. But Tennant's a better actor. Look at their other roles. I've seen them in a few other things and Tennant is always different whereas Eccleston seems to be the same basic character. Maybe it's just me but I consider a good actor to be someone who has more than one way of acting. Again, maybe that's just me.

Bow ties are coool.