Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: whomod
McCain's already gotten himself into legal trouble with the public financing system ... McCain drew criticism of his own earlier this year when he backed away from public financing for the primary elections. He initially sought those public matching funds, which come with limits of their own, after his campaign nearly ran out of money, but decided to bypass them after donations started coming in....That makes McCain a campaign finance criminal.

Oopsie: Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama said Thursday he'll bypass the federal public financing system in the general election, abandoning an earlier commitment

Wow G-Man, you're pretty clever there. Yes, Obama is guilty of the same thing!!!

Except Obama was never doing so badly in fund raising that he had to sign up for public financing. McCain was and did. Now he's trying to back out of that in violation of the law. This in no way applies to Obama's situation and you know it.

If you can point to me where obama signed up for public financing then you'll have a point. But you can't so case closed.

Nice try to obfuscate though. But of course Republicans have had years of practice.

In fact I'd think you're worried that Obama can easily outspend McCain 4 to 1 without needing to break the law to do it.