Originally Posted By: Prometheus

No. He took an acting job that he thought would be interesting and then left the show before the first episode premiered.

And then Tennant jumped on the coat-tails of the fame Eccles created and rode it on. The fact remains, Eccles made the show what it is: Successful.

Eccles didn't create the fame of Doctor Who. And I think Tennant's run has been a bigger success overall.

So, thirteen chance to get it right, versus 40+ chance to get it right? Looks like Eccles had the harder job, and in comparison, was much more successful at it.

and that would be a great point if i had said Tennant had more great episodes overall, but I'm talking about maintaining a level of quality for years.

No, "technically" Sydney Newman, Verity Lambert, and William Hartnell created the ball. Atheist.

but you said Eccles created the ball and Tennant ran with it. I assumed you were talking about the current series which was really created by Davies and others.
the weed of lies bears bitter fruit, you vile old hag!

Bow ties are coool.