Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
is that really the best you can come up with? one partial statement taken completely out of context? I'm surprised we ever expected any better of you.


 Originally Posted By: whomod

So much for the attack on Michelle Obama's patriotism.

C'Mon right wingers!!! Attack McCain's patriotism now!!!!

I guess Cindy McCain is going to have to go back on Good Morning America and rebuke her husband now.

As you can see from the clip, the statemnt was provided COMPLETELY in context. How is this any different from what Michelle Obama said? Mrs. Obama said that for the first time in her adult life she was really proud of our country. McCain said that he never loved our country before the age of 31. At least Mrs. Obama was proud of our country before, and she always loved our country. McCain not so much - let's face it, if John McCain didn't love America as an adult, he most certainly wasn't proud of her. And another thing. Michelle Obama is the candidate's WIFE. John McCain wants to be commander in chief of a country he didn't love.