Originally Posted By: sneaky bunny
 Originally Posted By: Meeko
"Attention seeking bitch" huh? I don't need validation from someone like you. My life doesn't revolve around what someone on a message board thinks of me. So you can photoshop a picture and use bad language. Good job! I'm glad that you're a contributing member of society. I'm glad you feel so "cool" online behind a computer oogling women you'll never get. I'd hate myself too if I were you. Some of us actually have lives outside of the internet and living in their mother's basement.

And what? You're here to creep in on the attention someone's new squeeze is getting? Little upset doll that its more warm and welcoming than we were to you? Aww shucks!

Awwwwwwwwwww.....sneaky...I love you too. Let's cuddle!

I don't know about you, Miss Kitty...but I'm feeling MUCH .....yummier.......