Originally Posted By: whomod
51% to 36% among registered voters!!

The last time this poll was taken they were tied 46% to 46%

isn't this the part where sammitch comes in and declares that the poll was taken out of context?

Mark Hemingway
  • Looking at the the pollster.com and RCP polling averages I see that not a single other poll has Obama up by anything more than six. That's quite the outlier. And Newsweek's methodology here seems highly suspect — 1010 people polled, and the bulk of that is 896 registered voters, comprised of 324 Democrats vs.231 Republicans, with the remainder indpendent.

    Compare that to the latest reults from other polls. USA TODAY/Gallup poll of 1310 likely voters (a higher pollster standard than registered voters) which has Obama up by six. Rasmussen polled 3000 likely voters and has Obama up by four.

    Make no mistake about it, McCain is behind Obama in the polls — but come on. This Newsweek poll sure looks aberrant, and for other Newsweek and especially other organizations like Reuters to parrot the results sans context is ridiculous.