Originally Posted By: the G-man
If anything, I think it was clumsy act that displayed a certain overconfidence in his electability.

Don't get me wrong, there's a good chance he'll be our next president (God help us all), but it's not a done deal by any stretch.

Especially if his supporters turn out to be as skilled at managing a general election as they are at raiding message boards.

Isn't that the truth !

Short of Bill Clinton in 1992, I've never seen a candidate with so many strikes against him as Obama. And there isn't a Ross Perot to take 19% of the Republican vote this time out.

I'd agree the pseudo-presidential symbols were an arrogant over-reach by the Obama-ites. And it's gratifying to see those symbols so thoroughly rejected. It hopefully shakes the faith of Obama's true believers.

Here's some great comments on the Obama symbols from Hot Air