In the popular Doctor Who novel “The Eight Doctors,” writer Terrance Dick, of whom Tony Lee is a great fan, re-visited previous incarnations of the Doctor in the midst of adventures from the original series. In IDW’s “Doctor Who: The Forgotten,” Lee decided to take the alternate route and create all new adventures for the classic Doctors. “Although it's always nice to revisit old friends,” Lee told CBR News, “I think we can give more 'forgotten tales' in these short flashbacks. We have the First Doctor, Ian, Barbara and Susan meeting Egyptians; we have the Second, Jamie and Zoe meeting space lizards; the Third, Jo and The Brigadier (and pretty much most of the UNIT regulars) defeating aliens on Dartmoor; the Fourth and Romana (two) in millennium Paris; the Fifth, Tegan and Turlough facing a more recent addition in a Village cricket match; the Sixth and Peri in a courtroom; the Seventh and Ace in an alien war torn city; the Eighth alone in a Count of Monte Cristo setting; and the Ninth and Rose in the trenches of World War I. And every single one of them has been an utter joy to write.

“Oh and of course we have the Tenth and Martha,” Lee added, “in a strange museum being hassled by gun happy waxworks, giant familiar spiders, robots and a mysterious and familiar bearded man."

Fans might be wondering if the Doctor will actually get to meet some of his previous incarnations in “The Forgotten,” or if their appearances will just be contained to flashbacks. Lee kept tight lipped on the matter but he did tease, “Let's just say that there is a two-page double-spread panel in one of the later issues that will make all the fans excited. And by this point you'll also know exactly what's going on. I told the ending to a longtime friend and massive Doctor Who fan and he spent the next hour a gibbering wreck.”