Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Grimm

how many times does Davies need to do the same Dalek cliffhanger, only with more characters thrown into the mix? you know that no matter how good the setup is, (and he is quite good at setting them up. it's one thing he does do well.) that the ending is just not going to live up to expectations. he has no idea how to resolve these things. Bad Wolf? Doomsday? excellent setups that leave you breathless. but the resolutions? lacking. severely lacking. he needs to find a writing partner to help finish stories (and hopefully add some new ideas!).

And yet, it was still a damn good episode! Of course he won't finish it off with any great triumph. But, he's leaving. So, I'm not only willing to give them the benefit of the doubt as far as big changes, but, I'm willing to give him some room to wank a bit...