Here's the thing that makes Kerry a first-class asshole in this situation: He could have endorsed Obama without stabbing his "friend" in the back. All he had to do is say something along the lines of "John McCain is my good friend and he's a good man. However, our nation requires a new vision and different outlook than what the Republican Party currently provides. Barack Obama has that vision and outlook. Therefore, while John McCain remains my friend, I heartily endorse Barack Obama as the better man to hold the office of President."

But Lurch couldn't do that. Just as he did with his fellow Vietnam vets during his treasonous, false, testimony on Capitol Hill over thirty years ago, and just as he did two years ago when he called the troops in Iraq stupid, he chose to gratuitously stick a knife into a fellow veteran.

He is truly a scumbag. No wonder his fellow vets put out those "swift boat" ads.