Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

I'm still mystified as to what anyone even so much as passively supports Obama for.

He's a pedantic dork, who ummms and ahhhs his way through every press appearance, talks in a monotone, and for my money has absolutely no charisma whatsoever. When I listen to him speak, he sounds more like an assistant college professor than a presidential candidate or any other kind of leader.

Obama blatantly waffles his way through questions, has been busted in endless reversals, contradictions, lies, and manifestations of bad judgement. And incredibly, he continues to remain viable.

And beyond that, he has in no uncertain terms said he will raise taxes, and will enact socialized medicine. (And yes, yes, Obama claims he'll only raise taxes on those earning over 250,000 a year, but even liberals in the media are saying his numbers don't add up, and that the only way he can do what he promises is to raise taxes.)
Obama's proposals add up to 1.4 trillion in new spending. And rather than stimulate the economy, these burdensome new taxes will further suppress an economy that is just barely managing to stay out of recession.

McCain proposes tax cuts of 1.5 trillion that will stimulate corporate and small business and job growth, and proposes increased domestic production of oil and nuclear power, in addition to alternative feuls (whereas Obama rejects drilling in the U.S.'s untapped reserves, and gambles completely on finding environmentally friendly alternative feul sources).

I'm not McCain's biggest fan, but he seems a lot more lucid in what he proposes than Obama.
And more likeable.
And more trustworthy.
And more white.

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.