Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
...as the article says Obama acted as if he didnt know the racist wright and he acted as if he didnt know that Mac does the off color stuff...

And I'm on record, many times, as calling b.s. on Obama's denials vis a vis Wright (and others).

However, here's the editorial you posted, exactly as you posted it:

Barack Hussein Obama enlisted the help of a edgy comic for a recent fundraiser event. Bernie Mac headlined the show and according to Yahoo news had this to say about the supposedly family event:

Toward the end of a 10-minute standup routine at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in downtown Chicago, the 50-year-old star of "The Bernie Mac Show" joked about menopause, sexual infidelity and promiscuity, and used occasional crude language.

"My little nephew came to me and he said, 'Uncle, what's the difference between a hypothetical question and a realistic question?'" Mac said. "I said, I don't know, but I said, 'Go upstairs and ask your mother if she'd make love to the mailman for $50,000.'"

As the joke continued, the punchline evoked an angry response from at least one person in the audience, who said it was offensive to women.

Of course Senator Obama later rebuked these comments:

"Sen. Obama told Bernie Mac that he doesn't condone these statements and believes what was said was inappropriate," spokeswoman Jen Psaki said in a statement after the event.

It must be nice to be Barack Hussein Obama, you always have the do over card in your pocket. He attends a racist church for 20 some odd years, but he didn't realize it till he was running for president and decides the comments of his spiritual mentor Rev. Jeremiah Wright are inappropriate.

Now he invites Bernie Mac to speak for him a comedian who has made his name by doing crude off color jokes, and then says his jokes are inappropriate. I'm not criticizing Mac, I find some of his jokes funny. I'm saying that I wouldn't invite someone to do their act and feign ignorance and disgust after they perform said act. I mean if a guy is going to flip flop on campaign finance, and gun control from primary to general election is one thing, but to flip flop on a fund raising guest in less than an hour, wow.

But maybe Obama is being sincere, maybe he didn't realize that Wright was a racist, and that Mac was an off color comedian. Obama is the man who believes you can sit down unconditionally with Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad unconditionally and talk out their differences. Perhaps he hasn't seen Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spouting death tho the Jews, and wanting Israel wiped off the map. Perhaps he hasn't noticed that the terrosorists want us all dead. Is he ignorant of the facts, or is he just being politically expediant? Who really knows, no one really knows who Barack Obama is, I just hope the American people don't end up like Barack and have to apologize later for his actions.

Other than speculation from the author, there's nothing there to indicate that Obama knew Mac was an off-color comedian. Furthermore, as I mentioned before (using Steve Martin and Bob Sagat as examples), the mere fact that a comedian sometimes works "blue" doesn't mean one is going to expect that comedian to tell off-color jokes at a "mainstream" event.

There are a lot of legitimate reasons to criticize Obama: his hypocrisy, his inexperience, his crappy policies, etc. And most of the time of time, you and I agree on those issues in regards to him.

However, with all the legitimate issues to question him on, making a stink over the idea he should have known the star of a family sitcom was going to start telling off-color jokes, seems to be an unneccessary distraction.