Originally Posted By: whomod
51% to 36% among registered voters!!

The last time this poll was taken they were tied 46% to 46%

isn't this the part where sammitch comes in and declares that the poll was taken out of context?

 Originally Posted By: the G-man

...not a single other poll has Obama up by anything more than six. That's quite the outlier. ...

 Originally Posted By: The New Adventures of Old PJP
plus so many things can happen from now until November that quite honestly it doesn't mean diddly.

 Originally Posted By: the G-man


And, as predicted:

  • People with a crush on Barack Obama aren't as numerous as they used to be.

    Republican John McCain has pulled up into a statistical dead heat with Democrat Obama, according to a new Newsweek poll. Obama leads McCain 44% to 41%, compared with the cushy 15% advantage he held in the magazine's June survey.

    More than half surveyed - 53% - now say Obama has changed his stance on key policy issues "to gain political advantage," while 32% say he has not. By comparison, McCain may be gaining ground. Among independents, McCain now leads Obama 41% to 34%. Last month with the same group, Obama was ahead 48% to 36%.