Originally Posted By: The New Adventures of Old PJP
 Originally Posted By: Jeremy
 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts

Lucius whining about using the cell phones to stop the Joker from killing millions

He did help, so I didn't have a problem with it. I saw it, and the ending of the movie (Bats taking the fall), as a setup for the next one...if there's a next one. I saw Lucius' resignation and the temp-cave being shut down as a setup for Batman to be back at Wayne Manor in a real batcave. And working with little help. Also, with all the anarchy caused by the Joker, there had to be a breaking point in Batman's inner circle somewhere. That was it.
I saw the end as a setup for dkr true but I don't think Lucius actually resigned after he saw that the computer destroyed itself. His faith was "restored" as was explained by Bale's narrative and he walked away from the computer smiling. He is still the CEO in my opinion.

yeah i took it as Bruce gave him permission to shut it down after they caught the Joker. which is really stupid as it took batman 2 minutes to set it up the first time....