Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
Obama: We don't know what would have happened...

What a fucking retard. That was such a stupid thing to say.

like refusing to see a movie because he read the script online?

Yeah, Ray, because a comic book fan bitching about a movie is exactly as important an issue as a presidential candidate displaying a foolish view of policy.

I guess Obama can do anything he wants now and say whatever he wants and its all excused because Pariah didn't want to see a Batman movie.

 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man

unlike John Mccain who talked recently about the trouble on the Iraq/Pakistan border.

Which was obviously a mere slip of the tongue. And, to be honest, I'm sure that Obama's comment was a slip of the tongue also. Every one makes those kind of innocent mistakes.

But there's something really hypocritical, if not near-Orwellian, about how Obama makes gaffe after gaffe and the media (and the left) gloss right over it, whereas, any similar (or lesser) gaffe from a Republican immediately means (or meant) that said Republican is either senile (McCain) or some sort of moron (Bush and Quayle).

The double standard is really disconcerting.