Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
i think the reason no one really mentions obama's gaffes is because they let bush be an idiot for so long ...

They were criticizing Bush for gaffes regularly during the 2000 campaign. As noted in the New York Times back in 2000:
  • From his tongue-twisted explanations of his tax plan to his reluctance to accept a bipartisan commission's roster of debates and even to his vulgar comment about a reporter, Mr. Bush has seemed defensive, lacking in humor and easily flappable....Mr. Bush's gaffes on the stump are nothing new, but they are being picked up more by the media ....The more critical coverage could contribute to a damaging of Mr. Bush's image, which, if reflected in the polls, could result in still more critical coverage.

    ''Bush picked the worst time to start getting terrible press,'' said S. Robert Lichter, director of the Center for Media and Public Affairs. ''Journalists are setting the story line for the whole campaign.''