Originally Posted By: the G-man
With Obama in Europe, polls show tighter White House race
  • The US White House race tightened Saturday after new opinion polls suggested Barack Obama's shine was wearing off and Republican John McCain was gaining ground in several important states.

    The Illinois Democratic senator was greeted like a rock star by some 200,000 people in Berlin....But voter polls inside the United States showed McCain chipping away at Obama's lead in the race, which remains between one and six points.

    An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll published Wednesday showed 55 percent of US voters considered Obama the riskiest choice for US president, while just 35 percent said the same of McCain.

    The same poll found that 58 percent of voters identified more closely with McCain's values and background, against 47 percent who said the same of Obama.

    A separate study published Thursday by Quinnipiac University showed McCain has gained ground in several key battleground states, and has overtaken Obama in Colorado.

    While his reception at each stop on the trip has been generous, the polls showed his message was having less impact among some segments of the US voter population.

That's the problem with building your campaign on empty rhetoric. Eventually, people see that everything you are saying is void of anything real. Doesn't surprise me that McCain is catching up in the least.