I'm going to vote for the first man that has a solid plan for cutting spending, paying off our loans and buying back bonds from foreign investers, and leveling trade practices with countries that abuse human rights and exploit workers laboring for poverty wages that are undercutting U.S. domestic business.

The largest threat to the united states is our increasing dependence on foreign powers that actually hate us. See; China, Middle East

Barrack says he wants to end the occupation of Iraq and raise taxes. That'll put us half the way to paying for this debacle after 6 years. But it's better than McCain's "let's keep cutting taxes and continuing the occupation while we "pay" for it by selling ourselves to china"

China hates us, and that's not changing anytime soon. I don't honestly know what the fuck these Neocons are thinking, they act like the united states is defended against stupidity by a writ from God or something.