Two columns by Pat Buchanan, advocating a change in foreign policy :

  • Honorable Exit From Empire

    Where Buchanan pragmatically suggests the timing is good to give up occupation and costly defense alliances in places that are no longer vital to the U.S., such as Taiwan, Poland, South Korea, and provocatively... Iraq, and Afghanistan, which he says would free us to shift our resources toward Pakistan, which is far more vital.
    I'm not sure I agree with the last one, but it's an interesting question to raise. Iraq is largely won at this point, and I think within a year or two we'll be out completely, regardless of which candidate wins in November.


  • Obama's War

    Suggesting that Obama is pursuing pretty much the same shortsighted focus on gradual buildup of forces in Afghanistan, that Kennedy and Johnson did in Vietnam.
    I wonder when liberals will start chanting "just like Bush" about Obama.

    Although Buchanan fails to mention that while Obama advocated 2 brigades (about 10,000 men), McCain advocated 3 brigades (about 15,000 men).