Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

You, and liberals in general, are quick to forget that McCain was a major thorn in Bush's side .

 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man


and he takes being a thorn in bush's side literally.
seriously though, I don't hate Mccain. I just think he's past his prime. I'm more concerned with his visible slowness when he speaks. I've seen him since 2000 and he has gotten slower mentally. He's the oldest candidate ever to run and I don't think it's a good sign for where he'll be in 4 or 8 years.

Regardless of one photo-op of Bush and McCain together, which McCain is obligated to (and which you post the photo for endlessly, as if it occurred a thousand times), if McCain wants the nomination.
Bush and McCain have clearly had their differences, including a 2000 smear by the W.Bush camp (without factual basis or any evidence) that McCain had allegedly fathered a black child, which lost McCain the South Carolina primary, and for which McCain scolded Bush on a T.V. with unrestrained anger during a panel they appeared on together a few days after.

Regarding McCain's age, his mother is a very alert and spry 95, and even appeared in a Mother's Day commercial with McCain, that demonstrates McCain comes from a good gene-pool and ages well, even at 95.
The allegation that McCain has "become mentally slow" is a new one on me, and I haven't seen any stories to support what you allege.