If I were to balance the budget and start buying our country back ..

1 ) End the occupation of Iraq, for better or worse.
2 ) Close our bases in countries that can defend themselves. (England, Italy, Germany, Turkey, ect ect. )
3 ) redistribute those resources to the southern border to combat para-military narcos.
4 ) Introduce a line-item veto. This will effectively kill any desire to load a bill with earmarks. Thus, allowing a bill to pass or fail on it's own merit.
5 ) Raise taxes.
6 ) Cut all social spending for those persons who are not citizens of the united states, or here through visa

7 ) Disband all trade agreements with countries that do not meet our humanitarian or economic standards. Thus, restoring the viablity of local production and manufacturing. No longer will an American company be forced to compete against a foreign producer that employs what ammounts to slave labor.

8 ) Work closely with the EU to continue to combat terrorism using their local assests instead of our extremely costly extended assests.

9 ) Stop proactively meddling in the affairs of other sovereign nations.


10 ) Make everybody realize that the world has shifted from a trade based economy to an energy based economy and begin aggressively producing clean abundant domestic energy.

You know, if I could have a crack at it.

And I'm not Liberal, nor Conservative.