Originally Posted By: whomod,Jul 29 2008, 03:17 AM
I think way to much gets made of the RKMB's whole attitude/attack thing.

Seeing as how most of you have already encountered them, you know their only response is the usual one.

My take is that if they're not insulting and trying to belittle you en masse, then you really haven't bugged them and gotten under their skin enough.

They're going to claim victory no matter what you do, the trick is to ignore it and continue to fuck with them.

With me, the facts on the ground politics-wise was always going to be my biggest ally seeing as how the Republican party is a mess right now. And that alone was more than enough for them to retort by trying to make it about me and not about what I was rubbing their faces in with.

Which as I've always said, was more than enough to please me seeing as how the amount of venom directed my way was proportionate to the amount of anger and frustration I was causing them .

And rather than feel attacked, I always felt pleasure that they were bugged by being wrong on Iraq and wrong at being Bush's eager and willing dupes and little brownshirts. That to me is more than enough reason for me to have enjoyed rubbing their faces in shit for.

My only regret is that I barely have time to participate here with work and trying to raise my daughter and long to rub their faces in McCain's daily comedy of flip flops, lies and flat out comedy of incompetent campaigning.

So yeah, I appreciate Halo and his having my back as I do and did the rest of you. Still, getting the RKMB's bark is meaningless. How can you take seriously the jabbering of someone who giddily exclaimed days after Iraq was invaded, "We found lotasa plutionium", as he absorbed FOX news' lies as gospel and then cracked some lame Back To the Future joke "1.7 gigawatts!". These dickheads have been wrong every step of the way and have asked for more dick from Bush as they eagerly suck away even as he's now one of the most disgraced and discredited figures in American history.
