Originally Posted By: Rob Kamphausen
 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
writing alot of stuff on the internet is sure fire way of showing somebody is taking something seriously.

no, not necessarily. that's a valid point.

however, continually logging out, reading anonymously, logging back in and responding to posts and posters you claim to not let bother you, discussing the past and new interpretations of it repeatedly in a private clubhouse, unable to move on, wanting desperately for us to know how you feel about something the rest of us had a good time with, especially when it'd be so easy for you to simply ignore us and move on...

that's showing somebody is taking something too seriously.

You mean, because I post here (whenever I want) then go do something else I'm obsessed? Wow, that's like, the exact opposite definition of taking something seriously. I realize I'm the center of the RKMB universe but I'm not the one here anonymously 99% of the time.

But I really don't see how talking about the past and "new interpretations" in a "private clubhouse" is any different than you guys who create alternate realities where you guys can bitch about others doing exactly what you do (responding to negative accusations, writing long posts lambasting someone, talking shit etc etc) so you can pontificate about how great you are. We said we don't like you fuckers so all of a sudden you desperate extremist are creating shit like "you all must think you're are morally superior" just cause we don't like you and (god forbid) anyone express there dislike (isn't that part of what this board is about?) and of coure the famous "you made a generic crack about Nowherebrains mom which is exactly the same thing as talking about someone brand new baby girl" which of course is the ultimate proof of how deluded you fucking neanderthals are.

Give reality a visit before lecturing anyone Rob. Afterall, you can hardly talk about "moving on" when you have a forum named "Random thoughts and the Insurgency Roast".

Fuck, I posted here...what? 5 times in the last few months? You mother fuckers can't shut up about me. I guarantee you months after I've stopped thinking about this place pathetic pieces of shit like Joe and Sammitch will still be talking about me.