Originally Posted By: thedoctor
Another reason I don't need a win is because I'm content knowing that everything the Insurgency stood for "wins" over anything the RKMB does. Friendship over betrayal, loyalty over back stabbing, support over gleefully emasculating each other. Yup. I'm pretty comfortable with our status as being better/superior to the RKMB.

Just for future reference, what is it classified as when you manipulate someone over the internet to say.... I don't know.... gain control of a message board by playing on that person's emotions, later you ban that very person from the boards, and then boast about how you easily manipulated that person by pretending to be nice? What is that called again? What's the word for that?

I think we could easily argue that, during the course of their "raid", the former Insurgents betrayed everything they claim they stand for. They manipulated and betrayed a friend, they insulted family members (including children), they continually broke their word (NOT ONE POST!)... Zzap himself admitted that they couldn't continue the raid without "becoming as soulless as [we] are"... but soon that changed to "It hasn't even began!".

The loyalty and friendship they value so much went to hell when they finally realized they did have a mole and started accusing other people behind their backs. Most Insurgents would be surprised to learn who Zzap's top suspects were (please, someone challenge me on this).