Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
Good job linking to those posts that...mean nothing

other than directly disqualifying your statements? sure, i guess other than that, they mean (suspense dots) nothing.

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
when it all comes down to it you have no more evidence of enjoying it than we have of enjoying fucking with you. So ultimately it's a moot point.


i'll allow this, prosecutor, because it just sounds so funny.

so, lets say i'm a wee bit wanky and i wanted to prove i enjoyed laughing at your expense, making you run in circles, and watching your repeated, ranting obsessions. what type of evidence would i be looking for?

i just want to make sure the evidence meets your qualifications.

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
I make spelling errors all the time. You've probaly noticed that

i probaly have.

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
You, however, don't fuck with people's accounts often so if anybody is acting out of the ordinary...it's you.

you record my account-fuckery quotas? what constitutes an ordinary amount?

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
I also see you completely dodged my point about me not posting here a whole lot and you fuckers still talking about it and finding any excuse possible to feel like you "won".

it wasn't dodged. its all part of the same point above, where we talk about you because its fucking funny. you make us laugh. and the more often we discuss you, the more you march right back here with your cute lil stompy booties. you're like a wind up toy. so its double funny, because it keeps reinventing itself. like right here, in this thread.

sure, i don't have internevidence to prove it. i mean, aside from the thousands of threads where you can see us proving it (suspense dots!) but still.

i look forward to your entertaining response.


 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
of the Rob's zipper.

oh, excuse me, THE rob.

giant picture