Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
Why are you guys complaining about Sikkbones' posts? Everything he's posted, third person, shows just how decisive our victory over them was. Stevie Z. is afraid to post here himself, Tommy resigned to form the heckpuppies and as for Andy...well, has anyone seen Andy? Add to those facts that Sikkbones is STILL posting here after he made his goodbye post and left in a huff over Iggy's Hoganesque heel turn, and that Sikkbones is STILL riding the fence about whether he was part of their botched "raid" in the first place, and you have more victories for us without even having to raise a finger.

I say, "Keep posting Sikkbones!" Keep showing us how broken your friends are. Keep revealing Stevie's accusations of Republicanism where there is very little. Occasionally provide us with updates on Andy and the tongue bather of your genitalia, Tommy "heckpuppy #1" Tantillo. We'll all be here, posting and laughing at you all and enjoying how you all try to cope with the neverending aftershocks of your collective failures.

As you were.

Thought I'd chime in just to thank Fat Mama for proving me right about him all along. Here he is talking shit about Sikk who was suppose to be his "buddy" and who he wanted to "assimilate" just for a chance to boost his own underservingly massive ego. Not only that, but doing what the Whores at this board do best...rationalizing. Saying Iggy took a "Hoganesque heel turn" when all he did was sellout in his overdramatic way. Saying because Andy isn't around you morons "won" and because I'm not here cause I'm "resigning" to form the "heckpuppies" (which is further proof of Joe's stupidity since I simply resigned for the hellhounds all together). Don't you have something better to do than conjure up some imaginary victory Joe? Wasn't it you who told me to "let it go" months ago yet here you are still feeding yourself lies? Damn man, that's sad. But then again, I guess that's why you're so perfect here? A board full of delusional liars.

Like Rob, saying we lost cause we "took this so seriously" yet he freaked out about big sigs?

Pro, who just likes sucking cock and calling it friendship.

Harley, who needs to believe that you guys are actually smart so she doesn't have to face the truth that she's the cliched woman who laches on to arrogant, macho, immature men cause she herself is "insecure".

And Iggy, the bitch of all bitches. Saying that Zzap is making the "saddest" rationalization" when he says you guys are giving us a "win" everytime you respond. Yet, that's pretty much what Joe is saying in the post I quoted? That's exactly what Joe was saying everytime he went off on some insane rant about "good doggie" when I trashed him and he had nothing else to say. It's exactly what Sammitch is saying when he says "dance monkey, dance". Hell, this whole board is made up of anti-social attention whores like rex and MisterJLA who love getting a negative reaction from people and consider it victory when they get that reaction. So Iggy, by your own logic the RKMB is the saddest place on earth. You just won't let yourself see it. Cause you're a cowardly hypocrite.

But, I've totally gottin off track. Thanks Joe, for proving you're the pathetic and hypocrical sack of shit I always said you were. \:\)

Halo, I'm going to try to be nice. Really.

Have you ever played Dungeons and Dragons? If so, this should make sense. Just imagine a D&D session were, for some reason, it just isn't this one player's day. No matter how much he shakes the dice or changes the way he rolls, he just can't help but roll low. He even defies the odds and gets several natural ones. It just isn't his day. So, all the other players and the DM taunt him about it in game. But, then, the session has ended. What do you say to that one guy after it is all over? "Hey, want to get a drink?" And, that's that.

Now, follow with me, all of the goings on here have been like that imaginary game of D&D. For some reason, you guys just can't help but role natural ones. And, we taunt you about it. We aren't actually winning anything here. We are just laughing at your failures. But, when all is said and done, we log off and we go do other things. The fun of the taunt is over. At least, it is until the next rather predictable session.

Last edited by iggy; 2008-08-02 8:08 AM. Reason: punctuation error