Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
no worries, i'll walk y'through it.

you said you "made a generic crack about Nowherebrains mom." i responded with your reference to the actual quote, which referred to nowhereman's perversion and incest with his mother, who has passed away. she was an individual that meant the world to him, and revisiting your commentary again, it seems a little more than a "generic crack"

now, its likely your argument will now be that "generic" is a relative term, or some such silliness. in which case, you just get yerself a nice little gold star.

so thats quote one. y'with me still?

in quote 2, you said that we are extremists who are silly to create stories about you, like "you all must think you're are morally superior." my response was in two parts, one was zap's quote, about how you insurgentians should "grab the moral highground" -- the other was your own, stating "We claim moral superiority again and again."

so, as you'll note, both of those quotes from zap and yourself seem to counter your other point fairly directly.

and that, dear friend, is the reason i posted them for you. i found it funny (that's why i said "heh") that you were trying to rewrite the past by redefining what you had already done or said. when, in reality, looking at your actual words, they're in direct contrast to one another.

Yeah, like I said, I made a generic crack about Nowheremans mom. Even Mxy knows practically every mom insult is generic. And again, pointing out why we don't like you guys doesn't equal moral superiority so much as it equals genuine disdain. Nothing I've posted "contrasts" any of that. We're simply at the point where there's nothing you can do other than make mountains out of molehills. Here after all you'll do is say the same shit again and again.

In which case, generic cracks about peoples children are fine as well because they are generic cracks.
