Originally Posted By: Calybos
I notice the challenge has gone unanswered.

Science is the determination of facts and explanations for what's going on. It proceeds by successive reduction of doubt/uncertainty, improving its accuracy with each pass.

Nothing else even comes close to the success record of science. So forgive me if I show entirely justified disdain for clueless idiots making wild guesses and saying "That's just as likely as what qualified scientific minds are saying, because they haven't been 100% accurate since Day One like me!"

look i can see how you feel this way you've been spoon fed this throughout school. i really pity people like yourself and westley, hell you had to register an alt to even debate this. i think the westley dud is an alright guy from most of his posts, just because he and whomever you are are naive doesnt make you bad people, just naive.

the fact is what you hold up as fact today will be disproven tomorrow shows that your facts are flawed. for me to pay higher energy prices because today your "facts" say we need to curb emissions or the planet will burn up strikes me of chicken little. but go ahead and stick your head in the sand, just dont expect me to be as big a sucker as you.