Originally Posted By: The Dread Pirate Westley
 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
 Originally Posted By: The Dread Pirate Westley
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: The Dread Pirate Westley
It is for the positive position to prove their point. If it were not so, groundless, ridiculous claims would have to be taken as fact just on the basis that one cannot always disprove the impossible to observe.

There's nothing groundless about Hollywood being exclusive with certain actors. Voight is going through a Ron Silver after talking to Fox.

J.V. was having a tough time long before he criticized Obama. Shit the man's been doing bit parts and minor supporting roles for 10 years. The only way things could get worse for him is if he were to get nothing at all.

Considering he's got 3 movies all either in post production or current production, I don't really see the proof that he's been blacklisted.

EDIT; Adding example:
Movie starring Voight, PreObama

Face it, the guy burned his bridges long before now. Hell, his own daughter won't even talk to him.

burned his bridges? bullshit no one would burn a bridge based on his political views, you said so yourself

There are many ways to burn bridges in Hollywood, I don't imagine Mickey Rourke hit the shit can because of his politics.

i believe getting you to use Mickey Rourke as a basis for an argument counts as a win.