
No you don't. You lurk and then come back. At least be honest about your junkie ways, Tommy.

Wrong again. I never lurk. If I'm not posting, I'm not here. I know you obsessed little turds would like to believe I'm always with you but it's just not true.

Assuming that's true, after I discuss our fantasy sports leagues, the latest controversy at a Tyson plant, etc, the only way you would know that is if you were still around. Which easily proves that you're a dishonest junkie.

Speaking of dishonest, I never you always keep talking about me I said-

 Originally Posted By: me
Joe keeps talking about me

So yeah, you engage in other activities around this shit hole but I remain your favorite subject.


Grumpy li'l Tommy. So bitter about all the ass-whippings that come his way. Keep projecting onto me, Tommy. It's okay - I know where it all comes from. But try and move towards a more positive place. These posts only reveal your pain, they don't help you heal it.

Oh man, Joe's talking about me being Grumpy...how on earth will I ever respond to that utterly clever piece of banter that he's said about a million times now? Maybe I'll point out that I taught Joe the word projection