Suuuuuuuuure, Tommy. Like I said, it's okay that you're an RKMBs-junkie. Just be honest about it. We know you former Insurgents have the tendency to revisit here.

Let me ask you a question Joe, since you have magic anonymous senses...who are those 14 anonymous members on right now? Oh, what's that, you don't know? Is there anything you know about...other than wasting space?

So what you're saying is that I don't keep talking about you, I just keep talking about you. Um, Tommy, maybe it's the dyslexia, but methinks you're confusing yourself. Which I know isn't difficult for you, but still...

The famous RKMB triple logic at work here. Maybe cause I'm smarter than you but it seems to me like somebody can talk about something without having to talk about it all the time.

I come here and fuck with a variety of you assholes but I make one post and you come running. You can "spin" it all you want but that's the way it is, Joe.

Clearly, based on your post, you won't.

Well, you will, but it'll just be more sad scrambling as you attempt you keep up with your betters.

Better at sumo wrestling perhpaps.


No, you just provide the perfect examples of the term. With every post you make.

Is that why you started using that word all the time after I used it on you? That seems somehow pathological (another word I taught you and (fake)Pariah).