Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
Wrong again. I never lurk. If I'm not posting, I'm not here. I know you obsessed little turds would like to believe I'm always with you but it's just not true.

Actually...and I'm serious here...I believe Halo on this one. I think that if he's here, he posts...if nothing but for the simple fact that his stubborn impatience and temper utterly control his every action. Thus, if he's here, it drives him c-r-a-z-y to see us chatting and having fun, so he must involve himself in some fashion. So, yeah...he's telling the truth here. It's guys like Zzap, Andy, and Whomod that do all the pussy-lurking with no posts.

 Originally Posted By: The Dread Pirate Westley
You know, I like the "sammitch got me preggerz" thread better. There's just not enough sex in this thread.

While I agree with your point, I have to wonder why Thomas and Co. don't lambaste you for being a "traitor", as well? Meanwhile, I'll be recommending to the committee that we see your full membership pushed through the proper channels. Rex doesn't like you for no reason, you always wear the right shirt color on Thursdays, and you swing a nine-iron like a god. Well done. Ask me later about the secret handshake.

Bonus points on how many gay jokes you can make out of all of that...

 Originally Posted By: Wank and Cry
Prometheus spends his time trying to get into Icon or D.N

Wait--.....when did I do that? Seriously? Are you talking about back when we drove you from your old boards? Before Pologuy detonated the place? Because, I really don't spend any time "trying" to get into your locked-down clubhouse. I don't have to "try"...

Now the question you have to ask is: Did I "hack" your boards? Or, do you have another "traitor" in your midst? OR! What if...it's still the same mole, and the ones that have "admitted" to helping me so far aren't the only ones that do? Think about it.

Now, don't be so mean, Thomas...

 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
 Originally Posted By: Black Machismo
have you people taken your viagara today?

Seriously, guy, I'm pretty worried about your obsession with us having medically induced boners. I mean.... that post just seems like you're cruisin' or something, and it's weirding me the fuck out. Please, stop it.

Yeah, I'm with you on that one...