Originally Posted By: the G-man
  • Democrat Barack Obama, beset this week with new attacks from Republican rival John McCain, says there will be little or no politicking over the next seven days as he takes a vacation in his childhood home of Hawaii.

    ``I'm going to go body surfing at some undisclosed location,'' Obama, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, told the crowd at a welcoming rally yesterday in Honolulu. ``I'm going to go get some shaved ice.''

    he plans to relax, see his [racist white] grandmother and visit old hangouts

I wonder if Michael Moore and other Obama supporters will attack him for taking a vacation they way they did with President Bush?

G, let's get real here, taking a vacation from campaigning is different than taking a vacation from running the country during a time of crisis.

The upside for conservatives is that McCain could pull off a hat trick and get his real message out there. So far the attack ads just tell why I shouldn't vote for Obama, but not why I should vote for McCain.