Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
I have wanted a good DC game with free roam like that. Superman Returns did that but didn't have much non-game content to keep things interesting, Batman would be perfect with a GTA type game.

Totally! I thought the same things when I read about this mediocre game they're talking about. I do not know, or understand, the financial and legal aspects as to why DC or Marvel haven't gone to Rockstar and begged them to do a free-roaming Marvel New York or DCU. It just seems obvious to me. Can you imagine how awesome a comic-based game with the graphics and detailed style of GTAIV? My god, it would sell trillions...

in all fairness, Marvel has the Spider-man free roam games. They're really detailed, have lots of side things to do and crimes to stop, and Ultimate has human torch races.
But yeah, they both need to crank out free roam games. I'm hoping that's what the MMORPG will be.

Bow ties are coool.