Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
maybe if i thought the comments made by wright were out of line or wrong i would care. but wright dressed up racial tensions with some colorful speech. the fact is how he feels is not so uncommon. and it's not about hatred of white people like the KKK is, it's about a feeling of being the victim and the anger that is all too human that comes with being a victim. what i care about here is that obama addressed the issue in a pretty fair manner, he admitted these issues are real and should be gotten passed.

have you seen KKK speeches on tv? they feel they are victimized as well. being a victim is self brought on, if you let people victimize you, you will be victimized, it isnt solved by expressing hatred for people who did nothing to you. the fact that Obama took his children to hear that every Sunday os very telling of him.

well, the kkk was formed because they felt "victimized" that black people were no longer slaves. and they organized to fight for segregation.
black people were slaves, experimented on, kept down in education and jobs. now things are obviously much improved today, but people have memories. wright grew up before civil rights so there is more of a sense of anger than someone like obama would have.

your ignorance of history, could be why you hold the views you do.