Originally Posted By: the G-man
Only a fool would argue that racism doesn't exist. As long as race is a concept there will be racism.

But I don't see BSAMS or rex arguing that racism doesn't exist. The point they are making is that, when a "black" man has at least a 50/50 shot of being our next president, it discredits, if not disproves, the old argument that racism is so powerful and pervasive as to be serious stumbling block to people's success.

Sure society has made big changes and advancments. But Obama is one guy. There are millions of blackmericans who have had their lives constantly touched and effected by racism, by social systems set up before they were born that made it harder on them. Imagine how they might feel, probably a bit of anger. I would think people would appreciate the Obama isn't really trying to get in using the race card, he's not talking about being kept down. In fact he's talked about mending things between black and white, talked about how it is valid for some white people to be angry over affirmative action.
That's actually why i like him, he talks about issues like they're more complicated than simple....black vs. white.

Bow ties are coool.