Originally Posted By: the G-man

Looks like I broke Pro. He couldn't answer the charge against the Obamessiah so he dredged up the "I hate Bush" line and an ad hominem attack on my source.

Come on. Really. Take a moment. Come on. You're starting to sound like Halo, now.

G-Man...or whatever your real name is....let me ask you a question: Why are you so threatened when someone has a different belief or point-of-view than you do? Is it because you are shaky in your own convictions, and the only way to convince yourself of your beliefs is to attempt to discredit/argue/taunt those that don't share them? Or, are you so arrogant to actually believe you are correct in all thinking? I mean, really man.

At no point did I attack you. At all. I simply pointed out that:

A) So there were subversive groups that opposed the Federal Government in the 1960's. Big shock! I think it's pretty common knowledge. So, is that to say that they should, in fact, not have any friends or relationships? Is it a big deal if Obama knows this guy? What about Bush's sordid past? What about his disreputable friends (you know, all the Repubs that get charged with federal crimes)? How is this any different? I mean, other than you hate Obama, Liberals, the Democratic Party, and generally everyone that disagrees with you.

B) The "attack on your source" was no more or less than you do when someone posts a "factual" link from a Far Left website. Your own medicine bitter?


C) Nowhere in that post did I say "I hate Bush". Nowhere. You're simply lying, no doubt about it. It's factual and right there on the screen. What I noticed was that you change the title of these threads to your whim. And, in this one, it's all anti-Obama. So, when you change the title (for no apparent reason, mind you...and please, don't insult my intelligence by trying to say it was 'needed' or anything...we all know the truth) to slant Obama, I see no reason why mine can't point out a fact about your Republican Lord & Master George W. Bush. What's wrong? Does it offend you? Does it make you angry in some way to be treated as you treat others?

But don't worry, Pro, I'm sure Obama will throw his terrorist buddy under the bus soon enough... if there's still room left under the thing, that is.

Don't worry yourself, G. You miss the point if you think I'm defending Obama instead of voicing my opposition to your constant, Right-slanted, unfair, bullying propaganda that you laughingly try to sell as "neutral" or "fair".

If anyone is "broken" (and I'm pretty sure we're all past that term, but whatever), it's only you when you feel the need to taunt and ridicule instead of conceding the truth about your petty views. Because, let's face it...that's exactly what we belittle guys like Halo for.....(well, with him it's also that he's an ignorant child...but, I've seen evidence of your intelligence, so that doesn't apply for you).

Try not to fly off the handle again the next time I post one or two sentences questioning the validity of one of your propoganda posts. It will go a long way in helping everyone here get along...